
Wong Lian Kai.
also knowned as Sky.
He came in cold, covered in blood on 18th January 1996.
Has been growing since then, & is about 165cm in height now.
You can e-mail & msn him at lian96kai@hotmail.com

He's a Singaporean, so naturally speaks SINGLISH.

Basketball <3

hates O

waNteD >.<

Taggie N

Designer- Maddie
Pictures- 1 2
Brushes- DeviantART
Image programme- Gimp!
Image uploader- Photobucket

Jukie Boxie N

Links here yeah ;D

Past matches


Sunday, January 2, 2011
I want to remain smiling like this somehow without hurting you... c0mments!
People ask me why i wear the white wristband and my answer for them is" for fun ". But the actual reason is... it is to remind me how disappointed i was... ):

was out today with rebirth and charmaine and went jamming... i messed up cassis... but at the end of the day still ok la... after that we went cutting our hair... I REGRETTED CUTTING MY FRINGE... I MISS YOU DEAR FRINGE... PLS GROW QUICK QUICK AND MOST IMPORTANTLY... DUN BE CURLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I Played @ 5:36 AM