DENTIST TODAY... well first period was HMT did the newspaper article thing and ended the lesson.then went for ENG did a situational writing on the complaint letter that is tested on Common Test. Then went for recess.FTCME was followed after recess and we watch like 1 min ++ for one movie tat consist of the lord of the ring,apollo 13, ice age and antz.All talking about teamwork.Bio was the next lesson and my dental check up is closing up!!! ok we learn bout STD,not speed time distance hor... is sexually transmitted disease and got a picture of some people with that disease.then suddenly i was called.DENTIST! ok it was a bus like room where it is rather small,with air con and radio.I was then told to say if i've any medical history and was told to sit on the dental chair.First the male dentist chacked my teeth and said that he would need to do a filling for one of my decay teeth that had already been filed but i dun remember me having any of it.then all the atrocious things happen la but it was not as pain as i thought so still quite ok.then half way through, green day's 21 gun was sounded on the radio,and i told imran bout it and he said,"wa lao!why u so lucky one?" then IPW watch the show the way home.quite funny... samantha cried(lol) last lesson maths.at first=confused in the end=trying hard to understand.then i was hoping so much for the NPCC today cause it wrote game and activities on the detail there but it turn out to be camp craft! wth la... spent lik 1/10 of the time playing the so called "ICE BREAKING GAMES". why must your do this?camp craft say camp craft la... i totally lost interest in np lo... everytime lie to us de...somemore shan jun is here they mark if as absent and his parents are called to the sch.WTH LA!!!waste other ppl parents time lo nv double chack then straight away call le...haiz.. anyway gtg le bye
I Played @
5:53 AM